Are you allowed to kiss me in a bookshop

Posted: February 21, 2023 in thought stream

Tonight at dverse Kim charges us with writing a poem about kissing!

I bought a coffee,
settled back in a wicker chair
between the book isles,
started reading Desolation Angels.

Late February threaded light through,
shelves, books, air dust.
Painted shadows on the wood floor.
After several false alarms

a tiny bell announced your entrance.
You busily chatted to staff,
I looked on.
Then you walked up to my table,

and lent forward,

closing the gap of light between us.

  1. kim881 says:

    That’s a great title, Paul, and I hope one is allowed to kiss in a bookshop! I can think of a few that would be perfect, but I don’t know of any around here with wicker chairs between the aisles. I love the atmosphere you create in the lines:
    ‘Late February threaded light through,
    shelves, books, air dust.
    Painted shadows on the wood floor’
    and the old-fashioned bell is a special touch.

  2. Grace says:

    I love the scenario of the bookshop and that ending line gives it a joyful closure:closing the gap of light between us.

  3. sanaarizvi says:

    You paint such a lovely atmospheric poem with your words here, Paul! Swoon-worthy 💙💙💙

  4. Gillena Cox says:

    Oh Wow!
    Nice one


  5. WildChild47 says:

    Extremely atmospheric – and lovely for the easy tension, which makes the final words all so more bold and impactful.

  6. Great scene, enjoyed! 💘

  7. jazzytower says:

    Aah! Love how you ended this. Made me smile. A definite ready or not… moment ☺️


  8. Love the title and the last line especially “closing the gap of light between us.”

  9. M Jay Dixit says:

    Beautiful! I loved how you used the light throughout your poem.

  10. josieadams says:

    I think I was there ❤

  11. magpieboy says:

    Love it. Full so your wit, a charming poem.

  12. What a fabulous capture of a moment in a bookshop. I really loved the ending.

  13. I just love that title… even that is a whole story

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