Stealing the moon and dreams

Posted: February 27, 2023 in nature poems, thought stream

At dverse tonight the prompt from Frank is to write a Haibun (short prose with a haiku). Today is Mezza Luna, or half moon and that is our subject.

That’s it. Another day put to the sword. I watched it drown in an indigo sky,
thinly slashed by a burnt orange sunset, which bled out under stars, Venus,
Jupiter, the half moon. Now a frostbitten night is closing down, will put us
to bed in a deep freeze. Swallow our dreams. The only sounds: a river
chattering in the cold as it slides over a double weir, the faint rocking of
traffic on the bypass.

Silky black river
captures a bright half moon and
drags it out to sea

  1. rothpoetry says:

    Very nice Haibun… I like the half-moon being drug out to sea!

  2. Truedessa says:

    I enjoyed this wondrous imagery in this haibun.

  3. Lovely images- the frostbitten night closing down and the moon being dragged out to sea!

  4. kim881 says:

    I enjoyed your play on words, Paul, with the ‘day put to the sword’ and the ‘indigo sky, thinly slashed’ and bleeding out. I also love the contrast of the second paragraph: the night as ‘frostbitten’ and the sound of the ‘river chattering in the cold’. I think the strongest image is in the haiku, of the half moon being dragged out to sea.

  5. M Jay Dixit says:

    I was also thinking of the view of the half-moon over a lake but in the end it didn’t fit my story, “Silky black river” you’ve weaved it perfectly here.

  6. Your ‘prose’ is as poetic as the haiku, which to my mind is how it should be. I very much like that image of the river dragging the rocking boat of a moon out to sea.

  7. WildChild47 says:

    I love the details and descriptions in this Haibun – and yet I’m left with a much deeper, visceral feeling about it – which is how it should be. My mind and spirit are being dragged along like the moon is by that silky black river …. very sensual. And soothing too. 😂 I feel like this a “calling one home” moment – back to the source, or something far greater than oneself.

  8. This is so very atmospheric, especially how you describe the coldness of the night, and the moon being dragged out to the sea.

  9. ~just a thought says:

    Superb haibun, enjoyed your scene very much!

  10. rogblog666 says:

    the faint rocking of traffic on the bypass rings so true in this day and age.

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