Archive for February, 2023

At dverse tonight the prompt from Frank is to write a Haibun (short prose with a haiku). Today is Mezza Luna, or half moon and that is our subject.

That’s it. Another day put to the sword. I watched it drown in an indigo sky,
thinly slashed by a burnt orange sunset, which bled out under stars, Venus,
Jupiter, the half moon. Now a frostbitten night is closing down, will put us
to bed in a deep freeze. Swallow our dreams. The only sounds: a river
chattering in the cold as it slides over a double weir, the faint rocking of
traffic on the bypass.

Silky black river
captures a bright half moon and
drags it out to sea

Tonight at dverse Kim charges us with writing a poem about kissing!

I bought a coffee,
settled back in a wicker chair
between the book isles,
started reading Desolation Angels.

Late February threaded light through,
shelves, books, air dust.
Painted shadows on the wood floor.
After several false alarms

a tiny bell announced your entrance.
You busily chatted to staff,
I looked on.
Then you walked up to my table,

and lent forward,

closing the gap of light between us.