Half truths in the shadows

Posted: September 14, 2013 in nature poems

Tonight we are gathering at dVerse  pub for poets and having fun writing poems from sayings we’ve heard … this is based on that proverb: ‘A leopard can’t change its spots’

Sunlight slices through leaves.
Primaeval amber eyes trapped
unblinking in a spotlight.
Instinct welded into their depths.
The hunter pads softly on,
soundlessly brushing undergrowth.
Head, legs and flanks tiger-striped
as it lopes through light and shade.
Flickering colours, creating
a bow wave of fear for sharp eyes.
Panting reveals its red maw
like some raw slash from
claws on a victim’s rump.

Light and shade,
stripes and shadow.

Emerging into scrubland,
camouflage stripped away,
it stops.
Ears flat,
black spots
bared in the dust.

  1. claudia says:

    very cool play on that proverb..love how the light and shade play made for a camouflage just at the right moment…

  2. This was a wonderful poem Paul.. love how the spots play with the shadows… and I think the leopard is happy for its spots,

  3. Oh, I love your predator here.

  4. brian miller says:

    the mouth as a red slash…its had its meal for the evening…the thing on being the hunter is you always have to be aware as you may be next…

  5. aprille says:

    Such a lively and accurate description of the stalking creature.

  6. Grace says:

    Deft painting of the creature ~ Like the Light and shade, stripes and shadow, of our canvas ~

  7. This is beautiful. A lovely read.

  8. Such a beautiful read, especially light and shade, stripes and shadow.

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